Enjoy the high-dollar flavor of Kona coffee on your 9-5 salary with our Kona coffee RockinDrops. These drops embody the taste of the islands that put Kona on the map.
RockinDrops Kona Coffee extra strength food flavoring. Available in 30ml, 60ml, 120ml, and 16oz sizes.
Our company makes food flavorings for a wide variety of applications and industries. All of our flavors are made from FDA approved ingredients. Our drops are intended to be a small part of your finished product. Usage will vary based on your application, size and desired strength. Our products are not intended to be used solely as a finished product. Since only a small amount is required, the nutritional value is negligible and therefore listed as ZERO.
Ingredients:Natural & Artificial Flavor, Propylene Glycol, Ethyl Alcohol, Acetoin
